Jesus has some strong words to say about fidelity in marriage and honesty in all relationships. Why does marriage bring out both the worst and best in us? And why is it so hard to be honest and gentle at the same time? Jesus said that he did not come in order to overthrow the Torah, the sacred teachings of the Israelite people, but to fulfill it. He treasured these scriptures, and yet he seemed to teach things that superseded them. Should this cause us to worry about his truthfulness? Jesus confounds expectations, even the expectations of his followers. Surely our striving to be the best and the brightest, or at least to be accepted by them is the way to happiness? Is it possible that the key to solving the problems of the world is not in the hands of the winners, the powerful, the famous? What if we were to take Jesus' words to heart and allowed him to rewrite our to do lists? What if we truly saw people the way Jesus sees them? This fall we will be diving into Jesus' words in Matthew chapters 5 - 7, often called the Sermon on the Mount. Let's begin together Sunday, September 8! |
Pastor MarkPastor Mark loves his wife and grown children, the Word of God, and words. And coffee, chocolate chip cookies, Apple products, small video projects, and the New England Patriots. Archives
February 2025