video: Jim Duran at Christchurch in August 2017
Bible Society of Maine
E-mail: [email protected] Bible Society of Maine: [email protected] 20 Dotties Way Unit 12 Westbrook, ME 04092 Mission and vision: Since 1809, the Bible Society of Maine has been committed to getting God’s Word into the Hands, Heads and Hearts of the people of Maine. Connection with Christchurch: Bob R. is on the board. Founding pastor of Christchurch Rev. Dick Petersen was for years the director of the Bible Society of Maine, followed by Christchurch members Rev. Paul D. and Sally T. Prayer and other needs: Pray for their newest initiative, "Light Up the World"... reaching those in need of Bibles and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ statewide, overseas and on the sidewalks of our inner cities. To learn more: Bible Society of Maine home page BSoM newsletter To get involved: The Bible Society holds a fundraising walkathon each fall, and their annual meeting is held in May each year. History: The first Bible Society in America was formed in 1804, and by 1809 most New England/Northeast states, including Maine, had their own Bible Society. Everywhere, business, civic and religious leaders came together in the effort to place the Scriptures into every home and school across the land. Eventually, representatives of many of the state Bible societies joined with others to establish the American Bible Society. Many state and regional societies entered into "auxiliary" relationships with ABS, while maintaining their own structures and ministries. State and regional Bible societies have been committed to serving the people and churches of their local areas, and have especially reached out to the poor and the forgotten, and to the successive waves of new neighbors, many of them non-English speaking. Organization/key individuals: Rev. Jim Duran, Executive Director |