Picnic at Two Lights State Park
- August 21, 2022
- 11:00 am All welcome
The BLESS Experience
BLESS is a new approach to prayer and evangelism. It’s less about downloading information or memorizing scripts, and more about loving our neighbors well. It helps us get “unstuck” and practice evangelism more effortlessly.
God’s way of reaching and restoring the world has always been through blessing. Five missional practices that make up the acronym BLESS are a way to participate in the strategy God gave Abraham to reach the world. “And I will bless you...and you will be a blessing” (GENESIS 12:2). As we engage these practices daily, we partner with God’s Spirit to bless those who do not know him.
God’s way of reaching and restoring the world has always been through blessing. Five missional practices that make up the acronym BLESS are a way to participate in the strategy God gave Abraham to reach the world. “And I will bless you...and you will be a blessing” (GENESIS 12:2). As we engage these practices daily, we partner with God’s Spirit to bless those who do not know him.
Soup and Salad Supper with missionaries Ken & Adrienne
Easter Schedule 2022
Holy Week
Thursday, April 14, 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service
Easter Sunday, April 17
5:45 am Sunrise Service at Stroudwater Park on Congress Street
9:30 am Sunday School for all ages
10:45 am Easter Worship Service
Holy Week
Thursday, April 14, 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service
Easter Sunday, April 17
5:45 am Sunrise Service at Stroudwater Park on Congress Street
9:30 am Sunday School for all ages
10:45 am Easter Worship Service
Immerse: New Testament Feb 6 - April 2, 2022
To get a Zoom invitation to an IMMERSE group email the church office: [email protected] or Pastor Mark: [email protected] Reading Schedule (Click the blue link to go to each week's audio and video resources. The week number will not match our reading schedule.) Week 1 (Feb 6-12) Acts
Week 2 (Feb 13-19) Acts, 1&2 Thessalonians
Week 3 (Feb 20-26) 1&2 Corinthians
Week 4 (Feb 27-Mar 5) 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans
Week 5 (Mar 6-12) Romans, Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians
Week 6 (Mar 13-19) Ephesians, Philippians, 1 Tim, Titus, 2 Tim
Week 7 (Mar 20-26) Hebrews, James
Week 8 (Mar 27-Apr 2) Revelation (note starting page#)
Audio and Video Resources for Immerse: New TestamentTyndale Publishing does a nice job of providing resources to supplement your reading, and they even make it possible for you to listen through the whole series and not have to pick up a book! Each week has an introductory video, and audio for each day’s reading. I have linked here the resources on the Immerse Bible website with the schedule we will follow.
Note that our week numbers will not match their week numbers because we are concentrating on the New Testament outside of the Gospels, not reading through the whole New Testament. Additional resource videos from The Bible ProjectNew Testament Letters: Historical Context
New Testament Letters: Literary Context
New Testament Overview
New Testament: Overviews of Each Book
2021 Advent and Christmas Schedule
Advent begins on Sunday, November 28, 2021
Our Sunday School classes will meet in the long room at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday in Advent to read the Scriptures, light the candle(s), and reflect on preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus.
Nov. 28, 2021: 1st Sunday in Advent. We have HOPE that Jesus will make all things right.
Dec. 5, 2021: 2nd Sunday in Advent. Communion during the worship service. We have PEACE in our souls, trusting that Jesus will lead us through these dark times of the pandemic.
Dec. 12, 2021: 3rd Sunday in Advent.
Dec. 19, 2021: 4th Sunday in Advent. We have LOVE that comes from God that we can share to those who do not know Jesus and the hope, peace, and joy that he brings.
Dec. 22, 2021: Blue Christmas 7:00 pm
Dec. 24, 2021: Christmas Eve Service, 7 pm. Bring your family and friends!
Dec. 26, 2021: No Sunday School. Enjoy time with your family!
January 2, 2022: No Sunday School. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Our Sunday School classes will meet in the long room at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday in Advent to read the Scriptures, light the candle(s), and reflect on preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus.
Nov. 28, 2021: 1st Sunday in Advent. We have HOPE that Jesus will make all things right.
Dec. 5, 2021: 2nd Sunday in Advent. Communion during the worship service. We have PEACE in our souls, trusting that Jesus will lead us through these dark times of the pandemic.
Dec. 12, 2021: 3rd Sunday in Advent.
- Christmas program rehearsal at 9:30 a.m.
- Christmas program presented during Worship.
- Lucia procession at the end of Worship. We have JOY knowing that Jesus loves us.
Dec. 19, 2021: 4th Sunday in Advent. We have LOVE that comes from God that we can share to those who do not know Jesus and the hope, peace, and joy that he brings.
Dec. 22, 2021: Blue Christmas 7:00 pm
Dec. 24, 2021: Christmas Eve Service, 7 pm. Bring your family and friends!
Dec. 26, 2021: No Sunday School. Enjoy time with your family!
January 2, 2022: No Sunday School. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
2021 Fall Schedule
To get a Zoom invitation to an IMMERSE group email the church office: [email protected] or Pastor Mark: [email protected] Audio and Video Resources for Immerse: GospelsTyndale Publishing does a nice job of providing resources to supplement your reading, and they even make it possible for you to listen through the whole series and not have to pick up a book! Each week has an introductory video, and audio for each day’s reading. I have linked below the resources on the Immerse Bible website with the schedule we will follow.
Note that our week numbers will not match their week numbers because we are concentrating on the Gospels, not reading through the whole New Testament. Week 8: November 14 - 20 John chapters 13 - 21 1, 2, 3 John Additional Resources from the Bible Project: |
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Dedication Sunday
Sunday, November 14 we celebrated and dedicated shoeboxes full of love (school supplies, toys, hygiene items) to be sent around the world to bring children the good news of God's love for them and their families. We gathered supplies, packed boxes as families and singles, and prayed that the boxes would go exactly where they needed to. And we gave thanks that God to use us to spread a little joy.
Coffee Tasting & Crazy Mugs for D. R. Congo
Sunday, November 7 we had a coffee tasting and crazy mug contest to raise awareness and support for coffee growers in the Equateur province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This sustainable crop will help hundreds of families become self-supporting, enhance food security, and build their local economy. FMI on the Paul Carlson Partnership and its good work in DR Congo, go here. To order Karawa Coffee for yourself, go here.
Picnic at Two Lights State Park
- August 29, 2021
- 11:00 am All Welcome
Picnic at Hancock Pond
- July 18, 2021
- Following worship
- All welcome

Jubilee Parking Lot Party, music and fun
- May 16, 2021
- 2:00 pm
Christmas Pageant
Christ Candle Liturgy
Scripture Luke 2:10-12
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

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The Season of Advent Begins November 29, 2020
Lighting Advent candles is a beautiful tradition that quiets and centers us in the Word of God, Jesus, who is the light of the world. Download your free Advent Liturgy booklet here:

advent_liturgy_booklet_2020_web.pages.pdf | |
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Operation Christmas Child
November 16, 2019
We packed 700+ shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child which will be delivered to children all over the world
A Day at Two Lights State Park, August 18, 2019
Worship and picnic at Two Lights State Park
Enjoying the Goodness of God's Great World, June 23, 2019
We had Worship, baptisms, and picnic at Hancock Pond.
(photo courtesy of Lucie T.)
(photo courtesy of Lucie T.)
May 19, 2018. CHIC Fundraiser a Fun and Successful Night!
Our dinner and dessert auction fundraiser for CHIC, the youth discipleship week that happens once every three years, was a great night.
Christmas Schedule 2018
Dec 9, Saint Lucia Celebration following Worship 12:00 pm
Dec 16, Christmas Program during Worship 10:45 am
Dec 24, Christmas Eve Cookie Social 6:00 pm
Dec 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7:00 pm
Dec 16, Christmas Program during Worship 10:45 am
Dec 24, Christmas Eve Cookie Social 6:00 pm
Dec 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7:00 pm
Operation Christmas Child Unlock the Box April 28, 2018
Over 100 people from all over New England attended an "Unlock the Box" event at Christchurch on Saturday, April 28, 2018. A myriad of topics were covered. photos courtesy of Matt Congdon Photography
We teach kids about caring for others....
For example: Operation Christmas Child! We just packed and sent over 800 boxes to children around the world. Every box brings God's love and ours!
We worship and play together...
Here are a few photos from our summer worship and picnic at Two Lights State Park.
Another example of learning to care for others:
Another example: Helping Babies Breathe is our initiative to save newborns in the Equateur province of Congo.
We act out the great events of the Bible...
Here's a look at a recent Christmas program as we re-enact the events of the birth of Jesus.