You've got to start somewhere. No matter what you are doing you start from some basic thoughts about how the world works and how you need to operate in it. Sunday we will explore the thought that every good thing begins with prayer. Really. Join us Sunday, May 1 at 10:45am as we pursue this together. Jesus is alive and at work around the world! Come hear Ken and Adrienne Satterberg introduce us to what Jesus is doing among immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in France. And what does Jesus desire his followers to do and be? He is risen! He is risen indeed! That’s the astonished heart cry at the news that Jesus has been raised from the dead. It has echoed through the centuries and around the world. Our worship service today exults in the good news that God-with-us has defeated death, and rises to raise a new community around himself. Worship begins at 10:45 am. Thursday & Friday of Holy Week: God turned great evil to great good! Tonight's worship service leads us through the events of the last 24 hours of Jesus' earthly life. In the accounts of the eyewitnesses, essays, poetry, and heartbreaking music we walk with Jesus to the cross. This in-person worship service will be live-streamed beginning at 7:00 pm Thursday, April 14, 2022. This worship service ends in silence and darkness. Who has authority in your life? How much do you trust your parents, for example? Your mayor? Your doctor? Jesus taught as one who had authority. He rode into Jerusalem as a king— if that’s not authority, what is? But what kind of king? Sunday's worship will help us enter into the events and the wonder of Jesus as king… of everything. Sometimes the best laid plans go awry. What we intend backfires, disappoints, or brings about tragedy. Is that what happened to Jesus? Did his best laid plans backfire and bring about tragedy? Join us for worship Sunday, April 3, at 10:45 am as we follow in Jesus steps, trying to keep up with his thinking— which is so often different from ours. |
Pastor MarkPastor Mark loves his wife and grown children, the Word of God, and words. And coffee, chocolate chip cookies, Apple products, small video projects, and the New England Patriots. Archives
February 2025