When God wore skin
'Twas a simple entrada When the devil horns in He often wears Prada. #incarnateadvent R is for red as red is for rose Red is for bright light -- A famed reindeer's nose R is for red and red is for ribbon Wrapping the boxes And gifts that are given Red is for eating Like chocolate and cherries Red goes with green Like holly and berries Green is for garland For fir tree and pine No matter how fashioned green Christmas is fine. But purple's not red and purple's not green And hope isn't fed when Advent's unseen Purple shows patience Awaiting the day Purple for royalty Yet on the way Red and green the season wronging Purple the hue of holy longing Seeking the Presence heaven sent Purple is right for His advent. #incarnateadvent A is for Alpha
the last thing you see Alpha is first and last thing to be I am Omega He said at the last Alpha ends Omega The future, the past A is almighty so advent is here Power all-right for a life without fear No fear that your faults will destroy all you love No fear of reprisal No revenge from above No fear of your past He’s dealt with your worst For alpha is last and the last shall be first. #incarnateadvent C is for coffee
Blest dark and bitter brew C is for chocolate If dark and bitter too C is for comestible Consumable, and cool Tempted and investible My appetite's a fool C is for culpable Complicit, I admit C is for conscience Dulled--yes, I'm fine with it Conscience convoluted Is a tender, bitter brute If not deeply rooted It bears rotten fruit C is for the Christ child Creator's joyful play C is for the cross, wild History's worst day Christ for our benefit Drained the bitter and the dross C is in incarnate As in cradle as in cross |
Pastor MarkPastor Mark loves his wife and grown children, the Word of God, and words. And coffee, chocolate chip cookies, Apple products, small video projects, and the New England Patriots. Archives
February 2025