One of Jesus' most remarkable roles was that of being God's ambassador to us. No more trying to earn a place in God's world; a loving father provides that place by providing a Way to that kingdom. Jesus is that way. But then what? What does accepting Jesus' gracious invitation mean for us next? That's what we will explore in worship February 27, 2022, beginning at 10:45am. There is plenty of pressure on us these days. There are plenty of voices telling us how to manage stress and take care of ourselves. How did the Apostle Paul manage the dramatic crises in his life? How did he cope? Our worship service will explore this beginning at 10:45 am, Sunday, February 20, 2022. If you’ve ever been in a long relationship with someone, you know that really loving someone, really doing good for someone over the long haul is not easy. You also know that it’s a very good thing to do, and great to receive. In Sunday’s sermon text Paul prays for Christians’ love to increase and overflow— to everyone! Let’s look at how that happens, and what our part might be. The livestream begins 10:45am Sunday, February 13, 2022. Think about this: Since there's not enough time in the day to do everything, and there's no way to make everything a priority, what is it that you make sure gets done?And how do you decide what merits your time? Join us as we work through this together in worship, Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 10:45 am. |
Pastor MarkPastor Mark loves his wife and grown children, the Word of God, and words. And coffee, chocolate chip cookies, Apple products, small video projects, and the New England Patriots. Archives
February 2025