Sometimes it helps to read the end of a book to find out if the rest of it is worth reading. Sometimes that ruins the story. Not so with the Bible. The end of that story gives our stories direction and heart. Following Jesus is the way to join our personal story to the meta-story, to reality, Then our story has a happy ending, no matter what else happens in the meantime. Seem too good to be true? Follow along as we catch a glimpse of our happy ending as shown in the book of Revelation. This Worship service begins 10:45 am Sunday, March 27, 2022. What do you do with regret? Is it to be avoided at all costs? Some people experience it as crippling. Does it have to be? Let's explore this together from the perspective of Biblical writers, and we will see where true freedom can be found. We are live and live-streamed Sunday at 10:45am. Christians miss a large part of their calling when they think that personal salvation is the whole story. The Gospel is as much about getting heaven into us as it is about getting us into heaven. Is this Biblical? Practical? Let's work this out together, Sunday, March 13, beginning at 10:45am. Livestream recording is here: How much do we really need to know? The Apostle Paul spends a lot of time explaining high-level theology so we can know about God. His deeper aim is that we know God in an interactive relationship, and for that relationship to spill over into day-to-day relationships in a new kind of community: God's people pledged to each other, loving each other, adding to their community as many as will come. And all this is never just for show -- no virtue signaling here -- our love must be sincere. Worship streams here at 10:45 am, Sunday March 6. Today is Ash Wednesday, the day that begins the 40 days of the season of Lent. Lent is a season of reflection and repentance leading to greater dependence on the love and goodness of God. It is a time that stretches us, reorients us, and prepares us for the beauty and power of Jesus’ resurrection. Tonight at 7:00pm we can gather in the sanctuary at 1900 Congress St, or online via the livestream |
Pastor MarkPastor Mark loves his wife and grown children, the Word of God, and words. And coffee, chocolate chip cookies, Apple products, small video projects, and the New England Patriots. Archives
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