He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! (Luke 24:25)
I wonder how Cloepas and his traveling companion felt when the unknown stranger rebuked them along the road to Emmaus. They were simply reporting the startling events of the past few days, and seeing them as any normal person would. At the beginning of the week Jesus of Nazareth had been highly esteemed. By the end of the week he had died the humiliating death of a criminal. That morning the story started to circulate that Jesus was alive again. Alive but as yet unseen. What was anyone to make of this turn of events? He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! (Luke 24:25) The unknown stranger turned out to be the risen Jesus, walking with them and rebuking them for their lack of understanding and their lack of trust. Jesus then laid out the case for trusting God’s plan as it was laid out in Scripture: the Son of Man suffers, dies, rises. It is as if Jesus was saying, "You could have seen it if you were looking for it. You could have seen it if you listened to me carefully.” I don’t believe he said this harshly. I do believe he said it firmly. He said it firmly because of what’s at stake. If Jesus’ death was an accident or his resurrection was just a story, then God isn’t in control. If nobody could have predicted these events, then we’re all just making the best of a bad situation. A confusing situation at least. But Jesus did rise on the third day according to the slow and sure plan of the Father. Jesus will return to make all things right — by the slow and sure plan of the Father. There will be situations today that tempt you to forget that God is still in charge, still willing and able to bring about his purposes for the world and for your life. Let’s not be slow of heart or mind in knowing that great good is coming. Jesus said so! |
Pastor MarkPastor Mark loves his wife and grown children, the Word of God, and words. And coffee, chocolate chip cookies, Apple products, small video projects, and the New England Patriots. Archives
February 2025