When we are at our worst, God is at his best. He reaches out to us.
The story is circulating today of a disturbed and violent looking man who boarded a subway in Vancouver. He was cursing, shouting, and alarming passengers. People moved away in fear. Then a 70 year old woman extended her hand and held his. This soothed him, and he eventually sat on the floor in tears, still holding the woman’s hand. He reportedly said, "Thanks, Grandma” and walked away without further incident. The woman was brave and kind. The intent of her kindness was to connect, and, I believe, to restore him. That’s God’s intent, too. Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? (Romans 2:4) The man on the subway showed that he repented — not as a religious act, but that’s the point. Repentance isn’t a symbolic religious gesture. It’s a change in thinking about our actions and attitudes. It’s a change of heart that produces a change in behavior. God’s kindness in reaching out to us is to bring us to our senses, to change our hearts, to change our behavior. And bit by bit we are restored. "Thanks, God." For the video, click here Comments are closed.
Pastor MarkPastor Mark loves his wife and grown children, the Word of God, and words. And coffee, chocolate chip cookies, Apple products, small video projects, and the New England Patriots. Archives
September 2024